Conker Sailing Boats

Tuesday September 30, 2014 at 3:17pm

What better way to occupy an hour or so with your toddler than to go out searching for conkers? We found loads the other day, my nephew was also just as interested in the spiky shells so we gathered some of those too. When we got back home with our collection, I decided to use the shells to make simple sailing boats for Jacob to play with.
First, from Jacob’s foraging basket, we chose suitable leaves and sticks to make the sails. 

I pierced the leaves towards the top and bottom in order to thread the sticks through. Then, all we had to do was push the sticks with the leaves attached into balls of blu-tac stuck to the base of the conker shells.

Find a suitable container, fill with water and off you go!

Jacob loved sailing the boats but also he was interested in seeing how much the boats could carry before sinking to the bottom. We experimented with toy people and pebbles, in fact anything small enough to fit into the boats. It was a great little introduction to the science of floating and sinking.

Hope you have fun :)

Love Chamomile Baby x x

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