Save the Children Week (April 28th - May 2nd)

Friday April 25, 2014 at 5:02pm

Next week sees the start of Save the Children week when thousands of people around the country raise money for children all over the world to help save lives and promote a brighter future. Here is a link which shows what the charity does:

As part of the fundraising this year, Save the Children are challenging people for 5 days to get by on just £1 a day for all food and drink. By taking part in ‘Live below the line’, the charity hopes it will raise awareness of extreme poverty and, through sponsorship, raise vital funds.

To help achieve this goal, I’ve discovered some great suggestions for cheap meals on a blog written by Lesley Cooper, otherwise known as Thrifty Lesley: 

Her research showed that, in 2011, the average spend per person on food per day was £3.56. She has said that If you only spent £1 a day each, the saving for a family of four would be well over £3,500 a year. So, by attempting the challenge, not only would you be doing your bit for a worthwhile charity, you would also help the family finances!

Here are two of her breakfast recipes that I’m sure your whole family will love.



Lunch and dinner recipes to follow in the next few days!

Love from Chamomile Baby x

Beautiful baby clothes and leather baby shoe

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