Save the Children Week Part 3 (April 28th - May 2nd)

Monday April 28, 2014 at 9:00pm

On our last day of recipes to support Save the Childrens Living Below the Line challenge, I thought I would provide the link for an advert the charity released earlier this year. This short video takes a year in a young British girls life showing how it crumbles from a happy, secure and healthy existence to one affected by civil war. She is placed in the shoes of a Syrian child. It is 3 years since the start of conflict in Syria during which time, according to Save the Childrens figures, over 10,000 children have been killed and 2.3 million refugees created.

Their message is just because its not happening here, doesnt mean its not happening.”

Now, two delicious dinner recipes to make for less than £1 per serving.


Hope the challenge has got you thinking. Good luck!

Love from Chamomile Baby x x

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